Friday, 27 December 2013

Have You Been Naughty Or Ice This Year?

This kind of ice is funny!

This kind of ice is not! 

A few days ago, we experienced our first ice storm. It was not N-ICE!
The power went out and our tree might die because it's incased in ice 
and it's bent to the ground! So are lots of other trees in our neighbourhood.
We're really lucky because our power came on the same day so we could 
celebrate christmas and our house was warm and snug. But there  are 
thousands of people that are still without power [That's six days later!].
Despite it's treacherous outcome the trees were very beautiful when the sun's
rays hit them!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Did You Know... About Guinea Pigs?

5 Facts About Guinea Pigs:

1. Guinea Pig's teeth never stop growing.

2. They are very good pets!

3. Guinea Pigs were domesticated in 2000 BC.

4. They originated in South America and were used as a food source.

5. Guinea Pigs live in groups of up to 10 called herds.


Females are called Sows.
Males are called Boars.
Babies are called pups.

Why am I extra interested in Guinea Pigs? I hope to get one (or two!) as a pet soon. I will keep you posted.

Photo Credit

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Did You Know...About Monarch Butterflies

Five Facts About Monarch Butterflies

1. Sadly they are nearly threatened.

2. They are usually found in North and Central America but have been recently introduced to Australian, New Zealand and Hawaii.

3. They are poisonous to there predators birds, frogs, mice] because of the milkweed they ate in
there larva stage.

4. They migrate farther than any other insect [2,500 miles].

5. Males have a black spot on each of there hind wings.

Image credit and more info about Monarch Butterflies visit:

Go Fish!

When I was at my Aunt and Uncle's cottage this summer I caught my first fish. It was a bass. I thought it was big but it was super small compared to other fish in the sea (lake). I was very excited though.

I also learned how to hold a fish. You have to grab its bottom lip and with your other hand grab under its tail. I let it go after I caught it. This is called Catch and Release. That's my favourite part.

I hope you liked my post. Until next time...go fish!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

New Brunswick

Last week I went to New Brunswick and stayed at my Uncle and Aunt's cottage. I had a blast and did lots of stuff [e.g. swimming, fishing, getting eaten alive by mosquitos and climbing on the rocks]. Oh, and most importantly relaxing! When I went canoeing the sun was setting and its beams were bouncing off the clear, still, perfect water.

I also saw lots of animals. I saw a Belted Kingfisher, a Golden Eagle, snakes, GIANT spiders, a Turkey Vulture and lots of Frogs! It was electronic free there and I had more fun there without video games then I would have had with them.

Next time I will tell you about the fish I caught and how to hold a fish.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

10 Top Things About Summer!

Summer is finally here and I have lots of things I'm exited about! I'm going to tell you the 10 top things that I'm looking forward to.

1. Hiking

2. Swimming

3. Bird Watching

4. Relaxing

5. Cycling

6. Traveling

7. Trying New Things

8. Track And Field

9. Sports

10. Spending Time With My Family!

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

My Mom Is A Dinosaur

I did a thing just like this for my grandma [aka The Anne-imal]. That's where I got the idea. It was Mother's Day was coming up and I forgot to make a card. I made a painting but I left it at school.

I thought to myself what can I do. Then I thought about the The Anne-imal. So I made this!

My Mom was so exited and said that she loved it!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Brave One Gets The Blame!

I was playing Ball Hockey and nobody wanted to be goalie. I volunteered because I love playing goalie. We started the game and I let one shot in, no big deal. Then I had to go to the washroom so somebody else went in net. He let in two shots and now the kids were on edge but the other team let  three in. When I came back I went back in net. The score was 3-3. They shot but my own team mates were screening me so I couldn't see the shot. Lets just say after that it was 4-3 them. The teacher told us to go get changed in the change room. Guess who they blamed for losing...ME! They said WHAT A FAIL and YOU HAVE TO STOP LETTING THOSE IN! The kid that let two shots in also got mad at me. I wanted to say you let two in too but that would just make it worse. Oh and did I mention that all a goalie had was a stick and goggles? No pads! Why are kids so competitive?

Monday, 20 May 2013

The Lawnmower!

Today I found something under the lawnmower and I thought to myself, "Avery No!"

Avery is my younger sister. My heart was racing I grabbed it was all bloody. This is awfully light I said. Then I realized it was actually plastic.

Kids and there imaginations!

PS This short story isn't real. It's fiction. I like to write stories and hope to share more of my stories on this blog. The hand is an old Halloween decoration we found in our yard.

Welcome To Sebass Avenue

Hi I'm Sebastian and I'm 9. This is my blog and I'm going to be telling you funny stories about my family and friends.

I might share a couple Minecraft stories. The most important thing that I want you to know is that it was written and edited by ME. Only me!

I will be posting 1-2 posts per week and I hope you enjoy.